
Thursday, January 22, 2015

Unicorns Love Dancing


Positive attitude can be hard to come by these days. Is it that we get the mid-winter blues this time of year? Perhaps It's a lack of vitamin D making us grumpy (although, I have noticed some people are negative no matter how much or little the sun shines around them). I can tell you one thing, I am getting fed up of the world around me bringing me down over and over. It's time to cancel out this negative energy!
I am not saying to bury our heads in the sand and pretend there are not things happening that deserve our attention, what I am saying is that sometimes it's up to us to be the bearer of our own good news!
But HOW you ask, with all the negative images and stories out there? How will I get around to giving myself a tiny pep talk each and every day? Here's my solution... make more passwords!

Change your settings on your computer, tablet and cell phone so that every time you activate one of these vastly time consuming devices you have to enter a password.
Tell me more Megan! This is something I can do!

Here's how it works. You password lock everything you own and use the same password for all your devices, change it every week so that multiple times per day/hour you are typing in this mantra. That's the key, the password is a mantra!
Something great to look forward to (VACATION IN FEBRUARY)
A silly one for a laugh (UNICORNS LOVE DANCING)
A positive affirmation (I AM TOTALLY HILARIOUS)
Maybe you need to solve an issue (WHERE ARE MY SLIPPERS)
A dream for the future (THIS YEAR I STOP RENTING)

The point is that repetitive positive thoughts, however small brighten your day and it's easy work them into your routine. Positive changes stem from positive thoughts.
Positive people produce positive results.
Positive outcomes rely on positive ground work.
Now looking into the future for this upcoming year, what kind of positive changes would you like to see? How are you going to get the ball rolling right now? Many peoples thoughts stay towards real estate... Becoming a homeowner, or perhaps generating more revenue with income properties, maybe you are dreaming of a bigger place with all the upgrades!
In any case, if your life could be made better through the purchase and/or sale of property, you should call me! Because really... what kind of a person do you want to work with on some of the most exciting decisions you could ever make about your life?!

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