I got news this morning that a dear friend I hadn't seen in a long time has passed away. She was one of those unforgettable people you meet that had a heart of gold, she was extremely giving with her time, her advice and her belongings. She was someone that believed in me, defended me and was instrumental in my successes as an Equestrian. I was a teenager when I moved to Colorado all alone to train full time. I didn't know a single soul and had made a huge leap of faith in packing everything I could carry on my own to move to a foreign country by myself. Kathryn was one of the first people I met and we immediately hit it off. She was unbelieveably kind and infectiously happy. I often confided in her with my personal thoughts and struggles, and she always had a soft and caring way to ease my mind whenever I needed her.
Kathryn generously offered me the ride on her horse "Mason" aka "RK's Highland Fling" so that I could compete while I was there. Nevermind that she had only just purchased him for herself, nevermind that he would be competing for Canada while I was on board, and nevermind that I was not yet a seasoned professional. Mason and I bumbled through our first few competitions with some spectacular crashes and falls but Kathryn never lost faith and was always right there to dust us off and put the pieces back together.
As we formed a better partnership, Mason and I went on to place 2nd at our very first International competition (1 point out of first place), we were tied for 1st place with Australian Gold medalist at our 2nd International Championship, 6th place individually at the North American Young Riders Championships, and I was named the Canadian Equestrian of the Year at 21 years old thanks to that horse and Kathryns generosity. I owe a great deal to her believing in me and maintaining unwaivering faith in my abilities.
So here's to you Dr Kathryn Hobbs, you have had an immesureable impact on me and I will never forget your laughter, squeals and shrieks of delight from the sidelines while I rode. Your kindness will be with me always. Say hello to Mason for me!
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