
Tuesday, November 22, 2016

A Blog about Blogging.

To blog or not to blog... I have been having a lot of conversations lately about my blog. Why I do it, what it's about, how I started, that kind of stuff. I have come to really enjoy the process and I thought maybe a blog about blogging would be good.

(ok, now I have used the "B" word too many times and it sounds funny... blog blog blog)

I will start by saying that my first post took several days to write (in case you don't know, blogging is supposed to be quick lol). I have got it down to less than half an hour now, which is way more reasonable! Blogs are meant to be spontaneous and the topics should include current observations and thoughts. Social media is a great way that I find blog topic inspiration!

Personally I didn't think that a blog that focused solely on real estate topics would be very well subscribed. My goal is to make it more personal, it's a way for my audience to get to know me a little better. I believe it's a bridge for people to know more about me and my personality before reaching out for a meeting or starting a conversation about what I do.

Blogging is also a great way to create a better web presence and generate traffic to your website - there is a great big world out there on the internet and making a name for yourself is key in order to set yourself apart from the sea of other service providers in your industry.

Personally I like to throw in a sarcastic, dry or edgy topic or theme once in a while. This may seem counter productive in that it creates a bit more controversy with the reader. I believe as long as I am not off colour or offensive, then stirring up a reaction with people makes me more memorable, creates more reactions and in turn generates more interest. It's easy to get lost in the mix, but that's never been my style, I like to stand out!

Let me know if you have a blog yourself, or if you want to chat more about the process! I'd love to hear from you in the comments below!

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