
Tuesday, December 02, 2014

Location, Location, Location

So what's up with the terrible real estate clichés?
You know the ones I mean. The ones that make you groan and skip to the next listing. The ones that, instead of really making you want the house, make you really want to give someone a slap.

I'll admit that in writing a listing description, even the best can sometimes get a bit off track and overly flowery. As a reminder to myself and my colleagues, let's try to avoid these doozies.

1) "Handymans Dream" - This one is my favorite. Really, dream? More like a handymans nightmare!! After seeing these places, buyers might wake up in a cold sweat and need a hug.

2) "Priced to Sell" - Who writes that? The the department of redundancy department? If it's not priced to sell than why the heck would I ever show it? Best of luck with your property that is priced to stay on the market for 2 years.

3) "and much, much more" - Alrighty then, did you run out of characters allowed with your rampant redundancy? Get to the point, the description is precisely where the "much, much more" stuff goes.

4) "To Die For" - Oh My! To heck with vagueness! I have yet to find a property that anyone was willing to ACTUALLY risk their life for. That is absurd.

5) "Defies Description" - Wowzers! For real? You actually don't have the vocabulary to describe the property? Perhaps you could just state how many outlets are in each room and which windows face the road. That would provide more information than a description that isn't descriptive.

6) "All Reasonable Offers Considered" - Indeed, but what if I sent you a completely unreasonable offer? You won't consider it? Ahhh, yes, thank you for pointing out how this process will play out for THIS particular property.

In this age of tech savvy buyers, we must be diligent about what is put out to the advertising world. Buyers are factual, well informed and able to critically compare properties.
With a significant number of properties on the market right now, you need a REALTOR® that is marketing your property in the absolutely best possible light.

Quick comparisons make for quick decisions and someone who makes your property fade into the rest of the pack isn't doing their job.

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